Al-Jamiatul Islamia Wa Darul Yatama (Bengali: আল-জামিয়াতুল ইসলামিয়া ওয়া দারুল ইয়াতামা (ফিরোজ শাহ বড় মাদ্রাসা)), popularly known as Firoj Shah Madrasah or the "Boro Madrasah" ("big school"), is a Kawmi (Qaumi) educational institution in Firoj Shah, Chittagong, Bangladesh. It was Established by Allama Sheikh Hafez Moulana Tazul Islam in 1975 CE (1395 Hijri) and already successfully passed 45 years. Now it is the largest and oldest Madrasah in Bangladesh.
You are well aware how important the existence and preservation of religious institutions in this time of crises. The existence of such institutions is very necessary for the well- being of the future generation and these incisions cannot exist without your help. The expenditure of the Jamia is excessively high compared to its meager income.
So our request to the religious Muslim brethren, especially to the generous people, is to help the institution specially and with an open mind. You will certainly receive the return from the (al-mighty) Allah and the future of Muslim Will light emitted from this Jamia.
With Salam
Allama Sheikh Hafez Moulana Tazul Islam Founder & Principal
Al Jamiatul Islamia Wa Darul Yatama